Hear from God Every Day

wesblackburn —  January 13, 2014 — Leave a comment

To help you hear from God everyday, we’ve put together some guides and links to help you get started using Youversion.

So it’s begun.

That’s right… as of this morning, all three of Suncrest’s campuses around the region will begin to hear from God everyday through engaging with the e100 Bible reading plan! It’ll be awesome for us all to have an opportunity to cultivate a personal relationship with Jesus together! (If you are wondering, “What the heck are you talking about, Wes?” then you probably missed this weekend’s message. No problem; just go here to watch and/or listen!)

One of the really awesome options to help you engage with God everyday is an app for your phone called YouVersion. It’s a free Bible that you can take anywhere with you (or at least wherever you take your phone)! If you’re looking to download YouVersion for your device, just open this post on your phone, Kindle, iPad, whatever, and click here. The link will automatically redirect you to the place where you can download YouVersion for your device. (Did I mention that it’s free?) You can also read the Bible from your computer or laptop by going here to YouVersion online.

Now, in order to get the most out of YouVersion, it’s really helpful to sign up for an account. Doing so is really easy and also free, and it allows you to take advantage of great features such as note taking, highlighting passages, and signing up for Bible reading plans (including the e100 Challenge). For a quick how-to on creating an account, you can check out the video below! (If you can’t see the video in your blog reader, e-mail, or feed, just click here to be re-directed to it.)


Screen Shot 2014-01-12 at 7.34.24 PMSigning up for the e100 plan on YouVersion is also really easy. Just click or tap the “Plans” section in the side menu (the icon looks kind of like the one here; you might need to swipe or tap to make the side menu appear on your phone or tablet). By selecting “all plans,” you’ll see a search bar that allows you to search all plans. Simply type e100 and the e100 Challenge will pop up! Click on the plan, select “start this plan” on the next screen, and you’re signed up! Each time you go to the “Plans” section now, you can select “My Plans” and see what your reading is for the day. (Note: Keep in mind we’ll be doing five e100 readings each week for 20 weeks, not all 100 readings in 100 days. You can use the “Catch Me Up” option at the start of each week to keep you on track. Or, you can read ahead. I mean, it’s the Bible. Reading ahead might be a good thing.)

If signing up online isn’t your thing, no problem. We have copies of the handout we had on seats at all of our worship gatherings yesterday. Download and print at your leisure by clicking here!


Lastly, looking for help to know how to read and reflect on Scripture? We created this handy-dandy phone wallpaper for your screen! You can save the image in this post, or you can click here to follow the download link for your phone or tablet!

I am so excited for all of us to journey with this together. I hope you are too. I can’t wait to see how God works in and through this plan and through us hearing from him on a daily basis to change lives together!



Suncrest//Highland Campus Pastor. But more importantly, 26th place finisher in the 2013 Highland Jack o' Lantern Jog 5k.

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